Saturday, October 24, 2015

Review: Life Unaware

Life Unaware Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this story, I loved the characters. I love the synopsis. I have read alot of Entangled Teen Publishing stories. I love every single one of them so far. This story is very unique and different than what is out there right now. I knew this story just by the synopsis would break my heart, It really did a number on me.
When you find out who was behind the messages the person that copied them all its not really a shocker. If you really listen to the story you can figure it out. But the way the plot worked it was just so good. It was such a sad story too. There are alot of times my heart broke because of the way highschoolers treat each other. But thats just high school once your out, its so much better.
This story has alot about anxiety and you dont find alot of books with that now a days. So this is such a very different type of story, It also has some LGBT in it. Suicide, this is a really touchy type of story. But I enjoyed every minute. The ending I didnt really completely love, I do wish there was a different type of ending but it was such a good book. I completely recommend everyone pick this book up.

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